
Star Wars

Hello there, as I said before I don't have a favorite particular movie, but if it were based solely on number of watches it would definitely be 'Star Wars IV: A New Hope'. This is also due to my mother having a poor bootleg copy that she would watch constantly despite the quality, and my own intrigues toward science fiction and mythology. When it first came out in May, 1977 'Star Wars' blew everyone away. Well I was born the year 'Return of the Jedi' came out, so naturally I didn't have the choice opportunity to see it in theaters...until 1997 with the release of the 'Special Editions'. I enjoy the revamped versions, and am grateful I was able to see it proper on the big screen, but the original version is still the best and for one reason only: It's the original!

Having grown up with special effects and the advancements they've made, I feel 'Star Wars' still holds it's own despite wooden dialogue and generally poor direction. The story itself is timeless and the characters, places, and objects are all so very unique. I know I am a total nerd when it comes to this stuff, but so is George Lucas and nobody is going to fault him for it. What teenager wouldn't want to fly off with Obi-Wan Kenobi and Han Solo aboard the 'fastest ship in the galaxy'? A classic tale of good vs. evil, with a wizard, a young hero, a brash cowboy, and a princess. Not to mention the coolest bad guy ever in the form of the mysterious Darth Vader. In my opinion, everyone on this planet should watch 'Star Wars'. You don't have to watch the other five, just watch the original, you will be a better person for it and if you feel up to it, check out the others. Perhaps later I will write about the sequels, and if I do that I'll have to cover the prequels, but for now, take the time to pick up the first adventure of Luke Skywalker, you won't regret it. That's all for now, and 'May the Force be with you!'

The Movie Doc

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